ACROSS Program




Across program is a 90-day job coaching program of Aamu-Jobs that helps jobseekers to find their dream job and build their career path. ACROSS stands for Assessment, Consultant, Resume building, Orientations, Searching, and Salinification. During 90-days, a job specialist is assigned to,

1- assess your professional and academic background to understand your strengths and Consult you to be a perfect match in the job market. This session will happen within first two weeks after you join the program through zoom meeting for 30 minutes.

2-build or revise your resume based on the US job market and employers preferences. The job specialist will send your revised resume for your review within two weeks after the first meeting happen.

3-orient and prepare you for the US job market. This includes building your social media, networking skills with employers and so on. You will be invited to Aamu-Jobs monthly job orientations that the job specialist will conduct for the member of this program.

4- help you to build a job searching skills, and the job specialist will send you weekly the most related job openings in your area to apply.

5- work with you closely until day 90 to make sure you are successful and satisficed. We strongly believe in our program to make you able to find your dream job. However, this is your ultimate effort to learn as much as you invest your time into this program and continue your job search and building your career path.

– This program starts officially October 1st 2022 and enrollment are recurring. Apply now and upload your resume by clicking “the apply button at the top of this page”
– You are not fully enrolled into this program until you pay the admission fee. nonrefundable admin fee is $200.00 and you will pay only $150.00 if you are enrolled through December 31, 2022. All admission fee will be $200.00 effective January 1, 2023.
– This is not a job placement grantee neither an employer job opening , rather this program provides you the best coaching for the job market.
– If you leave the program before your 90 days timeline by your own choice or miss any of your appointments or online sessions, you have to enroll again to be an active member of the program.
– You can be still in our monthly job opening list if you wish after your day 90 unless you request your e-mails and phone numbers to be unsubscribed.
– You confirm and agree that your uploaded resume represents true statements towards your prior employment and education. Aamu-Jobs which is a service of Aamu-Group will not be responsibly if you provide any fault information during your 90 days program.

Good Luck!!